Sunday, March 25, 2012

The End of the Road

We have spent the month of March traveling across the state of Washington. We have had a great time visiting and having lots of fun with friends and family. Papa took the kids of many outings.


The kids helped Papa with one of the ministries he is involved in; packing weekend food bags for children in need.


Papa made sure the kids got all their PE time in.


We had much fun at the many homes of old and new friends who welcomed us with open arms.



A friend gave us all “rides” in his bucket truck . . .


yes, even me. For those of you who know of my fear of heights; Mark presented it to me as therapy.


And of course, the kids just had to spend as much time as possible with their cousins, which always ended too soon.


Mark and I took a day and ran off by ourselves to visit Snoqualmie Falls. We spent a night of our honeymoon at Salish Lodge overlooking the falls. Oh, what wonderful memories.


Our travels have been fantastic. We have so much enjoyed  visiting our family, friends, and supporters.  We appreciate everyone that opened their home to us and/or provided meals for us.  You all have blessed us and touched our hearts in ways we cannot express our gratitude adequately for.  We are all very much ready to return to Alaska and live the adventure the Lord has for us in our ministry there.

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