Saturday, March 7, 2009

God continues to give us incredible memorable moments as we travel and visit family, friends, and supporters. Neakita was priveledged with an inspiring opportunity to play her violin with a professional violinist. Here Neakita is picuture with her as she accompianies on the piano. The memory card in my camera filled before I could get a picture of them playing a violin duet. Lesson learned: always carry an extra memory card.Our time in Eastern Washington was filled with more visiting than we expected, but it was the most relaxing time we have had on this trip which helped us to recooperate from a virus that overtook us despite all the measures to stay healthy.
Memorable moments for our children during this last week have been for Neakita, playing her violin with a young woman that has been playing violin since childhood. It was so fun to listen to it. I tried to upload a video clip of it, but it wouldn't work for me.
For Jeremiah, he lived a dream of his to play an electric guitar and there is no greater fun for a boy than to shoot bow and arrow.

We are blessed to have friends who love us and give of their time and resources for us.

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