Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Heading East
The first day we stopped for our sandwich lunch just along the road where we could watch a bunch of people ice fishing.
We stopped at Little Big Horn Memorial in Montana. It was a great history lesson for all of us.
The scenery through Montana and Wyoming was just breathtaking.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas Fun with Family
Our drive to Mark’s parents was beautiful and put us in the Christmas mood.
We used the driving time to get school work done . . .
but took every opportunity to enjoy the view and hike in God’s majestic creation.
The view from the suspension bridge was much enjoyed by the kids.
It was great to get to Mom’s and kick back and relax; the closest thing to a vacation we have had in years. We had the opportunity to speak at a supporting church where Neakita played her violin.
After the service, the church held a potluck for us so they could have time to fellowship and and get to know us better. It was a great time.
Tuesday the 20th began Hanukah. Mom told the story of the history of Hanukah, lit the menorah,
taught us to play the Dradle game,
and made homemade doughnuts.
What yummy fun!
Other fun things we did were puzzles and
ice skating,
Christmas eve, we were given a part in the Christmas celebration at The Little Brown Church. They had our family light the advent wreath, Neakita played her violin with Grandma,
Alaina played Away in the Manger with Grandma while the children sang (including Katelyn)
Christmas morning brought much fun and surprises.
The dollar store army men that Jeremiah got from us . . .
were enjoyed by Jeremiah and Uncle Zac for hours.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Over The River and Through the Woods. . .
. . . to grandmother’s house we go! We are on our way to Montana to spend Christmas with Mark’s mom, step-dad, and brother. On our way we stop in Sandpoint, ID to tour Quest, the company that builds the Kodiak airplane. Mark just completed some flight training for the Kodiak in Spokane. On our way out of town, we stopped at this café for lunch. It caught my eye because I love antiques. So, while we waited for our food to be prepared, we did a little “shopping”.
We highly recommend the Café Bodega to anyone traveling near Sandpoint, ID! Their sandwiches are THE BEST! And their soup was superb. We all tasted each other’s sandwiched and it was unanimous; the Cuban was the best. The Café’s flyer describes is as “Sandpoint’s Bohemian eatery, features an assortment of international sandwiches, homemade soups, organic espresso bar, specialty teas and Italian artisan gelato.”
Saturday, December 10, 2011
The Adventure Begins
Upon arriving in Portland we only had an hour to wait until the van we are using for our travels arrived. This was an amazing orchestration of God. Friends in Oregon offered us their 15 passenger van to use. It was not clear on how we would meet up to aquire the van, but God had the perfect plan. The day before we left Alaska, our friends called to tell us that his brother and sister-in-law were flying out of Portland the day we were getting in and they would drive the van up to be there for us. So, an hour after our arrival, they arrived in the van. They unloaded their baggage, we loaded ours in, and off we went.
On our way to spend the night in eastern Washington, we made a stop at Multnomia Falls. It was spectacular!
The van might be a gas guzzler, but it sure does make for roomy travel. This will hopefully make schooling in the van easier.
There are of course many opportunities to learn just by observing and discussing what we see as we travel. As we went we observed and discussed hydro and wind generated electricity. These windmills seemed to line the ridges most of the way to eastern Washington.
We have been in Spokane for a week now while Mark is undergoing Kodiak training.
The accomdations for our family is wonderful. We are staying in student houseing which has been perfect for our family. We have accomplished a lot of school work, getting ahead to lighten our load during weeks of heavy travel. There is also space for the kids to run and have fun too.
Each Sunday, we are visiting different churches to update them on or introduce them to our ministry in Alaska. The kids have been using their CEF training to teach children's church.
Please pray for God's continued blessings and for travel safety. Also pray that we will be as much, if not more, of a blessing to all of those around us.