In April, our three girls participated in their annual year end music recital. Alaina began the program with a piano solo. Katelyn was adorable playing her violin with another little girl her age. Neakita participated through the entire program with the exception of the cello solo and the duet played by her instructor and a fellow orchestra member on the viola. This year Neakita's orchestra group performed and also played along with the student soloists. The program was exceptionally well done.

In May, Mark was extremely busy giving flight instruction to a friend from one of the villages in addition to his regular responsibilities. Much after-hour time was put into the instruction. It was a joy for the kids and I to get to know his student during that time.
Is he giving you a headache, Mark? Haa Haa!
We had a lot of fun during those weeks!
June began busy and ended crazy busy for us.
Neakita went to Christian Youth in Action, Child Evangelism Fellowship's training camp. The first week of camp they learned how to communicate the gospel to children.

During the second week of camp they practiced what they learned by doing kid's clubs at local homes.
I was able to host a club at our home.

We had a lot of kids attend the club at our house that they split the age groups up and had two clubs going at the same time. The older kids are in a group on the left side of the picture and the younger kids are in a group on the other side of the driveway. It was so cool to host two clubs at the same time.

We raised meat chickens this year. We got them as day old chicks, raised them up and . . .

. . . butchered them. It is great to have stored away chicken for the winter. Yes, the kids helped us with the butchering too! They are a great help in all the work we do to fill the freezer, whether it is chicken, fish, or moose.

We celebrated Alaina's big double digit birthday - #10. It was loads of fun with all her friends! We had a sleepover and the girls stayed up until 2 AM.

During Grandma and Papa's visit, Neakita was a part of a big orchestra concert here in town. Her orchestra group had the priviledge of being the opening performance for the world famous Young Peoples Symphony Orchestra out of Berkeley, CA. It was an exciting evening.